But you are God’s chosen treasure —priests who are kings, a spiritual “nation” set apart as God’s devoted ones. He called you out of darkness to experience his marvelous light, and now he claims you as his very own. He did this so that you would broadcast his glorious wonders throughout the world
— 1 Peter 2:9

Book Store


Book Store ~

  • For all your book publishing needs; from workshopping to printing! Send us an email for more information about how to apply.

  • Film and Music Productions! Are you looking to produce Christian, wholesome content? Send us an email for more information about how to apply.

  • A spiritually enriching mentorship program to get to know who you were meant to be in Christ.

  • Join the community of women who are intentionally overcoming every principality and becoming virtuous women together.

Our Services

BeUTilFull Butterfly Mentorship

  • Catering to your needs with pillars of hope. You will be provided with biblical nutrients and intentional spiritual tools and principles that will help you to grow in faith. This will be a partnership between you and Jesus, along with my assistance to help you develop on your spiritual journey.

  • Cocoon season is when God pulls you into isolation as well as into Consecration looking solely to him for everything you need. This tier is only for those who are more spiritually in tune with God's voice and looking to be encouraged during the tests and trials of the stripping. This tier is not to be taken lightly. You must be intentional about getting into your promised land.

  • Butterly Better Fly into Purpose. This tier is designed for creative collaboration between you and God, to turn your pain into purpose. This tier will be your stage of soaring into purpose, with my assistance through prayer and the resources God has given me to be a blessing to you. This tier is not meant to be a codependence, but a testimony of what God has done in you through the seasons of trial and error.

Choose your plan!

Every month

This plan is designed for men and women who have freshly accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. You will be provided with biblical nutrients and intentional spiritual tools and principles that will help you to grow in faith. This will be a partnership between you and Jesus, along with my assistance to help you develop on your spiritual journey.

✓ Weekly Lessons (Mondays)
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ 4 Caterpillar Calls
✓ Stem Courses
Every month

Cocoon season is when God pulls you into isolation as well as into Consecration looking solely to him for everything you need. This tier is only for those who are more spiritually in tune with God's voice and looking to be encouraged during the tests and trials of the stripping. This tier is not to be taken lightly. You must be intentional about getting into your promised land.

✓ Weekly Lessons (Wednesdays)
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ Cocoon Teaching
✓ 3 Cocoon Calls
Every month

This plan is designed for creative collaboration between you and God, to turn your pain into purpose. This plan will be your stage of soaring into purpose, with my assistance through prayer and the resources God has given me to be a blessing to you. This plan is not meant to be a codependence, but a testimony of what God has done in you through the seasons of trial and error.

✓ Weekly Lesson (Fridays)
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ BetterFly Guide
✓ 3 Butterfly Calls

More about Our Mission

BeUTilFull Blessings is a ministry of preparation and divine expectation of God's promises. Whether you are single, waiting for marriage, or in need, of a breakthrough in your career. We desire to journey alongside you to encourage your faith to endure the weight of the wait.

Contact Us